Merchandise Showcases!

Check out our Merchandise Showcases to see awesome collectibles, novelties, and more for your favorite video game franchises, like Halo, Gears of War, Pokemon, and more!

Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Walking Dead Action Figures!

Daryl Dixon Widgets   Today's action figure collection is all about the hit TV series on AMC, the Walking Dead! Since there is now games featuring Walking Dead, and now there is Action Figures as well! Some items have Free Super Saver Shipping, which is free shipping on all eligible products over 25$. Enjoy the collection and if you see something you wish to buy, feel free to do so! See more action figures from...

Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Halo Action Figures!

Blue Spartan Action Figure Master Chief Action Figure Awesome Halo Action Figures, including new Halo 4 figures! Widgets Today's Action Figure Showcase is about Halo, including the new Halo 4 action Figures! Some items have Super Saver Shipping, which is free shipping on all eligible items over 25$ (see Amazon for details). Highly detailed action figures including Master Chief, Arbiter, Cortana,Elites, grunts, crawlers, and...

Monday, January 28, 2013

Halo 4 Review

Master Chief's latest adventure is a great new beginning!    Halo 4, the first official Halo game created by 343 Studios, is the mark of a great new beginning for the Halo franchise!  The story, game play, high quality cut scenes, and the multi player all comes together to create a spectacular treat for any fan of the series, and I am looking forward to seeing much more of the series by the 343 Studios team and Microsoft. Check...

Valve Action Figures (TF2, Half Life, Left 4 Dead)

Team Fortress 2, Half Life, Left 4 Dead Action Figures! Widgets Gordon Freeman Action Figure! Check out some awesome collectible action figures featuring the gang from Team Fortress 2! Why just collect hats when you can collect the action figures too! Some items come with free super saver shipping, which is free shipping on any eligible products over 25$! Gordon Freeman, The Pyro, The Demoman, The Soldier, Boomer, Smoker and much...

Dark Stalkers Action Figures

Here is a collection of a few sweet figures from the Dark Stalkers Franchise! Felicia, Morrigan, and more! Some items have Super Saver Shipping, which is free shipping on any items over 25$! Check our more Action figures too for more great gift ideas! Widgets ...

Friday, January 25, 2013

Street Fighter Action Figures

Highly detailed Guile Action Figure Guile, Chun-Li, and more action Figures from Street Fighter!    Today's action figure showcase is all about Street Fighter action figures! Guile, Chun-Li, Ryu, Ken, Akuma, Cammy, Blanca, Vega, and many more action figures for the action figure collector! Some items have Super Saver Shipping, which is free shipping on all eligible products over 25$. All proceeds gained from any sales go to help out...

Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Stormfall: Age of War Facebook Review

    Stormfall: Age of War Facebook Game Review Check out more awesome reviews as well!    Stormfall: Age of War is a competitive war game on facebook where you build up a castle, attack other Lords, steal their resources, siege them, defend and attack outposts, and much more! The game starts off with a decent and length tutorial, teaching you the basics of the game, and all the nuances within. The tutorial quests feature...

Assassin's Creed Action Figures

            Awesome Assassin's Creed Action figures! Ezio Action Figure from NECA     Looking for some awesome action figure collectibles from the Assassin's Creed franchise line? Look no further and take a look at some of the high quality figures from companies like NECA, who make some of the best quality figures on the market at affordable prices. Some items have free Super Saver Shipping, which is free...

THQ Bid Winners, prices, and ownership

                     Who won the THQ Bids?     Courtesy of, Here is the list of the new owners of the THQ bidding war, the prices, and much more! Click this link to see the full report and more information. Joystiq has obtained the sales prices of the various THQ intellectual properties and licenses made available during the company's bankruptcy auction. We've listed...