Merchandise Showcases!

Check out our Merchandise Showcases to see awesome collectibles, novelties, and more for your favorite video game franchises, like Halo, Gears of War, Pokemon, and more!

Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Dragon's Dogma Game Review

Dragon's Dogma Review Capcom's Latest RPG/Action Game is a big hit! Dragon's Dogma, From Capcom, is a great, unique Role Playing Game that offers lots of gameplay and unique character customization and player interaction. In this game, you play as an Arisen, one chosen to slay the Dragon and recover your stolen heart.  ...

Saturday, August 18, 2012

Chefville Facebook Game Review

Zynga's Chefville Game Review Build your dream restaurant with this new social game! Check out more great game reviews from the Video Game Cove!    Chefville, one of the latest games from Zynga, is a game where you get to build your dream restaurant. There is a big difference between Cafeworld and Chefville. One big difference, is that you use ingredients to create your dishes, and you can gather them by using energy on their respective...

Monday, August 13, 2012

Zynga's The Ville Review

Zynga's The Ville Social Game Review! If you want a Sims style game on facebook, this is one of them!   The Ville, is Zynga's answer to Electronic Arts' social game, "The Sims Social". The Ville starts off by creating your avatar character, and then you are giving some tutorial missions to learn the basics of the game, as in most Zynga games. One of the big differences in this game is the game still uses the Energy system, which refills slowly...

Friday, August 10, 2012

Left 4 Dead 2 Game Review

Genre: Survivor-Horror/Action Singleplayer: With AI Bots Multiplayer: Cooperative Multiplayer and Versus Platforms: Xbox 360 and PC    Left 4 Dead 2 is the sequel to Valve's survival-horror action game Left 4 Dead, which received high marks and creativity, plus a high fun factor!  Left 4 Dead 2 offers new features in this sequel, such as melee weapons, new ranged weaponry, new items, such as Bile Bombs and adrenaline shots, and...

Tips for pre-ordering games and paying them down!

Tips for Preordering games and Paying them Down!: A small guide to smart, financial usage of paying them down! Borderlands 2 Deluxe Vault Hunter's Collectors Edition Hello everyone, today we have a tip that I am sharing with our readers today on how to properly help with paying down on preorders. Video games are not cheap, and are usually around 60 dollars plus tax, and some collector editions can be well over the 100 dollar mark, such as the...

Thursday, August 9, 2012

Asciivania, a Metroidvania game review

Asciivania Game Review: A great Metroidvania style flash game! Asciivania is a clever game done in Ascii graphics where you control an alphabet and you gain power ups such as jump and double jump, for example,as well as finding red Alphabets which will let you morph into those letters to solve word puzzles to get through the level. Using the correct letters you can form words by lining up against letters to clear them and move forward through...

Monday, August 6, 2012

Dead Space 2 Review

Be sure to check out the Dead Space Merchandise Showcase featuring collectibles, comics, DVDs, games, and much more, as well as awesome Dead Space Action Figures! Also check out our review of Dead Space as well! Dead Space 2, by Electronic Arts and Visceral Studios, is the survival-horror sequel to the critically acclaimed Dead Space.  The game begins as Isaac Clark, the hero from the first game, as a patient in a lunatic asylum...

Friday, August 3, 2012

Minecraft Xbox 360 Edition Review

Minecraft Xbox 360 Edition Review: Be sure to check out our Minecraft Merchandise Showcase! and our review of Minecraft for PC Single Player: Yes Multiplayer: 4 player splitscreen (8 player online) NOTE: splitscreen play requires an HD TV with a component or HDMI cable is required Game Play Minecraft for the Xbox 360 is very much similiar to the PC version of Minecraft with some modifications for the console. At the time of...

Thursday, August 2, 2012

EVE Billionaire: A guide to earning ISK

Eve Billionaire - Now The Fastest Route To Making Billions Of ISK In Eve Online The Richest Eve Online Player Finally Breaks His Silence And RevealsAll His Strategies To Make Billions Of ISK Effortlessly Today we bring you a guide from one of our partners, a guide to get ISK from the hit online Space game, EVE Online! EVE Billionaire website Click Read more, to learn more, or visit the website link provided. ...

Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Suggestions/questions post

Hello Everyone! This is the post to comment to if you have any suggestions or questions to ask the Video Game Cove. If there is something you wish to see, a game you wish to see reviewed, or anything else feel free to leave a comment on this post and I will look into ...