Merchandise Showcases!

Check out our Merchandise Showcases to see awesome collectibles, novelties, and more for your favorite video game franchises, like Halo, Gears of War, Pokemon, and more!

Sunday, October 28, 2012

Order Wii U consoles and video games here!

Wii U Console Pre-order and Video Game Showcase!   With the Wii U launch date very close by, the high level of demand for this console is really on a first come, first serve basis, especially as the holidays approach, and in this showcase, I will make it easy for you to find the hottest launch title games for the Wii U and the consoles. I urge you, that if you wish to get your hands on a Wii U, I strongly suggest you pre-order as soon as...

Thursday, October 25, 2012

Angry Birds: Plushies,games, and more!

Angry Birds merchandise Showcase! All kinds of great gifts and merchandise for the Angry Birds fan! Today's Showcase is all about the hit mobile app game, Angry Birds! From games to toys, and much more! Some items have the "Super Saver Shipping" option, which is free shipping on all eligible products over 25$ in total. For more information please see the website to learn more about the Super Saver Shipping option and more! ...

Monday, October 22, 2012

Halo Shirts, Games, Books, Toys, Red vs Blue, and more!

Halo Merchandise Showcase! Great Halo Merchandise and Collectibles on today's Showcase! Today's Showcase is Halo Merchandise in anticipation of the next game in the Halo Franchise, Halo 4. Our Showcase has the halo games, and other collectibles and merchandise! Remember some items have the Super Saver Shipping, which is free shipping on all eligible purchases over 25$. We have awesome shirts, Red vs Blue DVDs, wallets, action figures, graphic...

Friday, October 19, 2012

Halloween Video Game character Costumes Showcase!

Video Game Character Halloween Costume Showcase! Great selection of costumes of Video Game Characters for your Halloween and Trick-or-Treating fun! Today at the Cove we have a Showcase featuring Halloween costumes of your favorite video game characters! From the Mario Bros and more, check out these cool costumes for your Halloween Holiday celebrations! Whether for treat-or-treating for the kids, or for an awesome Halloween party, these costumes...

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

X-Com Enemy Unknown 2012 Review (Xbox 360, PS3, PC)

X-com Enemy Unknown 2012 Review (Xbox 360, PS3, PC) After many years of waiting for a true return to X-com, is it worth the wait? The New Sectoid   After about 18 years since the last X-com game came out, a new game in the series finally comes out, and many developers have tried to capture to feel of the original series, but lacked a certain something to make it a true successor. Now Firaxis has the rights to the X-com Universe and...

Monday, October 15, 2012

Borderlands 2 Video Game Review

Be sure to check out our Merchandise Showcase for Borderlands. We have shirts, action figures, I-phone accessories, books and more! Borderlands 2 Game Review Gearbox's smash hit gets an awesome sequel!    The first borderlands game was an excellent first person shooter/Role-playing game loot fest, taking concepts from game franchises like Diablo, with it's RPG stat setups and the joy of finding bigger, badder items...

Friday, October 5, 2012

Call of Duty Merchandise Showcase!

                     Call of Duty merchandise showcase!    Welcome to the Call of Duty showcase! Some of the items listed have the "Super Saver Shipping" option, which is free shipping on all eligible purchases over 25$ in total. Enjoy the showcase! We have T-shirts, Games, beanies, powerful headsets, bracelets, wallets, and much more! Enjoy the showcase and all purchases helps the...